Monday, November 28, 2011

NEW SHORT: Wild Cat Chase

The new improv short shot by Turnstyle Films. We got the itch to shoot a short a couple of weeks ago but when we showed up the only knew that the short was going to be about a guy looking for his lost cat. Everything came about organically and to me ended up pretty well rounded.

Might be NSFW due to language.

Owner: Billy Palmer
Catsputin: Pteradactyl
Milk Guy: Jim Curtis
Girl: Kayla Muller

Director: Jon Nix
Assistant Director: Ralph Miller
Producer: Jamie Overstreet
Director of Photography: Yoshi Andrego
Camera Operator: Kayla Muller
Editor: Jon Nix

Original Score by Jim Curtis

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Thanksgiving Update

I'm thankful for all my friends, and great movies, and the great movies I'm going to make with my friends.

Below is a drawing I did of Daniel Plainview from There Will Be Blood. Feels like one of those days.


-Jon Nix

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Things to come:

Sorry for the lack of posts. There's a lot in the works right now and we will have a couple videos out in the next few weeks. Until then, here's a preview:


-Jon Nix